Archive for the ‘ Uncategorized ’ Category

Gee Up!

A horse with no name.

A horse with no name.

The wind rushing past, my flowing locks streaming behind, the sun streaming down as I urge my steed onward into the unknown.

“Forward!”, I cry, “Ride like the wind my friend!”

We ride through the chaparral across the baked lands of the desert. Herds of unicorns and flocks of flying pigs greet us as we pass, on our way to save those in great need. Time is of the essence.

At last we arrive, my horse glistening with sweat. I am coated in the dust of the road, weary from riding for so many miles.

“My name is Finnegan”, I say, “Finnegan Wilde.”

“We welcome you Finnegan,” says a small man with his hat in hand, probably the headman of the village, “We have waited long for your coming. Only you can save us! Come, you must rest and eat, for you have much to do in the morning.”

I gratefully accepted his offer. There was plenty of time to discover the nature of the danger that awaited. Tomorrow can take care of itself, tonight we live like kings!

Decorating Me.

I beg of you madame, do not decorate that silly tree, at least not until you have decorated me.

I am the new Christmas tree.

I am the new Christmas tree.

My second Christmas was most enjoyable as well as highly rewarding. In addition to the many lights and other decorations filling our house there was a tree with many brightly wrapped presents underneath. At first I was unaware of the prohibitions to opening the packages before the actual day of Christmas, but Father set me straight on this point, although not after some wrapping paper had been torn.

The most important part of Christmas is the lighting. Every morning I have to point to the tree and the lights over the archway to remind my forgetful parents that there is much work yet to be done. The lights are not lit! Hop to it! And so, with my guidance, the lights are plugged in and shine forth with the glow of a million million suns filling the air with magic and happiness. At least that is how I perceive it, and it frequently causes me to clap my hands and dance a caper or two.

The next important thing about Christmas is the meeting with family. I made my first entry into polite society by going to restaurant and behaving with such dignity and bravery that all were amazed. My aunt Louella and uncle Johnny were there, as were my aunt Maggie and my grandmother Pat. It was quite the to-do. Because of the great success of this venture I was taken to yet another restaurant a few days later, and there I had my first taste of crab meat. It is divine.

The final thing about Christmas is the presents. Of these I should mention my Roby, an inflatable Italian steed that I ride great distances to far off lands in search of adventure. I also now have a small workshop with a drill press and vise that I use to help the elves repair shoes when the cobbler needs secret night-time assistance. I finally have a place to vent my creative urges with a new Aquadoodle set, where I write with pens filled with water. For some reason my parents think that water is better than crayon for writing on floors, walls and furniture. I must disagree, for the crayon marks last so much longer.

I am not entirely done with Christmas, for we are scheduled to visit with my nana Pam and papa Henry on New Year’s Day, where I am told there may indeed be more presents.

To everyone on this planet and any other planets out there, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

A Gnome’s Triumph

I have been most tardy in relating to my reading public the incredible circumstances of my having won the accolades of a nearby locality. Such a failing on my part, although not excusable in the least, can, I think, be at least explained, for I have been so engrossed in my duties of running, dancing, climbing, and pointing that I have all but forgotten my duties as they pertain to this blog. For this please accept my deepest apologies.

And now that the niceties have been attended to let me tell you the tale of an adventure I think unparalleled in the annals of humankind. It all began with Mother and her crafty ways, for she had set her mind to fashioning a costume that I was to wear in honor of the Halloween season. For this purpose she obtained materials sufficient to create the attire of a woodland gnome, and then so dressed me as to defy the observer to perceive me as being any other than such a mythical creature.

Who is that gnome?

Who is that gnome?

Once dressed in this way a strange thing then occurred, for no sooner had I adopted the fashion of the gnome than I truly became such a creature. It is difficult for me to explain how such a thing could happen, but so indeed it did. I can assure you that I was most  assiduous in my gnome-ly duties, for I took to carousing the woods about our house with much gusto, and did also step into many a fairy ring of mushrooms. As you may have been told, stepping inside of a fairy ring is fraught with peril as the person doing so may be transported to the land of the fairies, and there meet with much confusion as to their location and circumstances. But as a true gnome I was at liberty to make use of these fairy rings for the purpose of transportation, and I did so use them, traveling many thousands of miles to lands far away to make contact with the dwarfs of Norway and the leprechauns of Ireland, but most especially with the ancient gnomes of Siberia, where my people have long dwelt.

My duties also included regular pranking of the “Big People” as we refer to humans, and I did my share of pumpkin placement and doorbell ringing.

What fun to leave pumpkins on doorsteps!

What fun to leave pumpkins on doorsteps!

So I passed my time during these heady days of wonder and whimsy. I and my fellow gnomes did great wonders of cavorting and even many a gambol about the fairy lands. But then something happened that broke the spell, for I was captured from my state of wildness by hunters from the human lands. These fearsome trackers had tricked me by placing my favorite treats out for me to take, and then they snatched me up and trundled me into a waiting vehicle.

How long I was in this vehicle I know not, but when arrived at our destination I found that I was to be entered into a costume contest in Rainier Oregon. I then won the contest, and in the ensuing joyful celebration I scarcely noticed my transformation back into a young human child who but merely dressed as a woodland gnome.

In the days since I have often wondered at my life as a gnome and my friends of the fairy lands. I can now say that I am glad that Mother and Father rescued me from a life of pumpkins and pranks as there was always something missing from that life. I now see that it was the warm embrace of my family that was lacking during that time, and when the fey folk come to ask me to return to their lands I will decline.

However, if I ever find myself in need of travel I will certainly make use of the excellent system of transport by fairy ring. It is superior to common air travel in every particular.

Snowy Joys 2010

It has been my opinion for many a year that all this talk of snow is a most decidedly preposterous supposition on the part of silly persons frittering away otherwise profitable hours.

And then there was snow. . .

All that they say is true!

All that they say is true!

Here I stand chastened. I am aggrieved as I recall my uncharitable comments made in my ignorance heretofore. What could I know of such delights, having never truly beheld them in their fulsome bounty?

All that they said about the joys of “winter wonderlands” and “snow-clad vistas” scarcely did justice to the majesty of this icy confection that sifts from the sky to frost the land as if it were one big birthday cake. Pardon my slip into loquaciousness, but such beauty brings out the poetry in my soul.

Speed is of the essence!

Speed is of the essence!

And so it came to pass that I found myself perched on a bright red steed of unimaginable speed and regal bearing. Off she leaped, into the white landscape, taking hillocks and hummocks at a bound! Through the wilderness we galloped, so fast that all became a blur white tinged with joy, and the peels of laughter that only later would I realize were my own.

At some later point, how much later I cannot say, I found that I was once again sitting quietly in the lodge, nestled in front of a roaring fire. The bite of the cold in my toes and fingers melting away, and the buzz of so much adventure still thrumming in my bright red ears.

Dancer at the End of Time

I dance the dance of infinite space.

I dance the timeless dance of eternal being.

I dance the world into existence.

And then dance the world away.

Destroyer of worlds

Destroyer of worlds

Music is my muse, and rhythm is my rhyme.

And the bliss of joyful action is all.

In the words of my secret pre-birth namesake (David Bowie): Lets Dance!

Like the grains of sand on the beach of my mind . . .

Such are the dreams of the contemplative soul . . .

Staring to infinity

Staring to infinity

I stand at the junction betwixt water, earth, and sky. Here I stand and stake my claim on this new land. I count the grains of sand one at a time and come to know the meaning of infinity.

The quintillions quintillion

The quintillion's quintillion

My senses are washed in the spray of the sea and the breath of the sky. I taste the grit of the sands, and all is in balance.

The taste of adventure

The taste of adventure

The immensity of the world echoes around me as I stretch my mind to meet the limits of imagination.

Deep thoughts for a baby.

Finn, beach, July 2010.

If the hat fits must I aquit?

I am a man of many hats. I am a gentleman of leisure, yet a gad-about-town. A world-weary traveler, but also a babe in toyland. But tho’ I wear so many hats in a day’s transit, there are some hats best not donned.

A hat too far!

A hat too far!

This travesty of haberdashery was foisted upon me by some well-meaning ladies who accosted me this weekend last during my sojourn to the ocean. T’was in vain that they inveigled me to don such an improper cranial ornamentation. Not to don, but to doff! The next head cozy was more to my liking.

Where be gold?

Where be gold?

I cannot say the how of it, but upon donning this hat I was overtaken by a powerful desire to take to the seas in search of adventure. I dare say but that if I had kept this hat on top of my head I might now be a pirate waylaying the unwary. My first act of piracy would be to chop off the head of anyone wearing the blue sequined hat from before!

After the fashion show of hats and such I went in search of solitude. On my lonely journey, far from the maddening crowd, I caught the glimpse of a handsome young man of scarcely my own age. I ran to greet him, embracing him as a brother.

Where have you been all of my life?

Where have you been all of my life?

It was only later that I learned that he was only my reflection. I should have known they could never make two of anything so cute. Alas!

These were but some of the adventures I had this weekend past with Mother, Rebecca, Sara, and Jenn at the beach. Such a weekend it was, just I and three lovely ladies to entertain as only I know how. Did they ever stand a chance?

Bathtime Giggles

I do enjoy my bathtime. The feeling of the warm water running across my skin is a sensation I cannot describe, so I will have to communicate my joy through smiles and giggles.

I Thrive!

Hear me world: I thrive, I am alive!

On this Tuesday I had an appointment with qualified medical professionals who carefully assessed me at 10 days old and diagnosed me with the succinct statement: “He thrives”.

For this most satisfying of honors I must give credit to my ever-toiling mother who has stood by me all the way, feeding me every several hours whether I wanted it or not. I could not have achieved this great accomplishment by myself, and am indebted in great measure to her in this regard.

And what does “thriving” mean, exactly? In precise numbers it means that I was born at a strapping weight of 9 pounds and 11 ounces. As befits a new person of my station (i.e. “newborn”) I lost some weight during my first few days and reached a nadir of 9 pounds 3 ounces. If such a trajectory had continued I would currently be on my way to becoming a smallish figment of a child about to disappear into the ether. Instead, dining on a steady milk supply, I have rebounded in miraculous fashion to tip the scales at 9 pounds 15 ounces, one ounce shy of ten pounds!

I’m not very good at my multiplication tables as of yet, but I begin to worry that ten pounds in ten days could indicate that I shall proceed to gain a pound per day ad infinitum. I must needs consult with father on this point, as I do not relish the prospect of reaching 365 pounds at the threshhold of my first birthday!

One final note, if I may gloat over one additional achievement, I have revealed my fresh bellybutton as of this very morning. I have no idea what use this new “button” on my belly will provide for me, but I am more than ready to find out. Perhaps it will produce some variety of candied treats when pressed? I must investigate. . .

I enter the world. You are welcome, world.

A funny thing happened to me on Saturday, August 22nd at 2:57pm . . .

Dreaming of conquests yet to come

Dreaming of conquests yet to come

I found myself thrown out into the world with little warning. I had not even time to grab my coat and hat! Here I was with not a stitch on. Luckily I was not entirely in the company of strangers, Mom and Dad were on hand to lend some friendly words of advice and consolation.

Having only memories of sound and smell to guide me, I quickly observed the two faces I would come to rely on in the coming tribulations of my youth. My mother’s face was the most beautiful face I have ever, or will ever see, and gives me no end of satisfaction to look upon. My father’s face gives me a solid sensation of security and comfort. The other thing of note about both is their enormous size. I am certainly born of a race of giants, judging by the outlandish size of my parent’s enormous floating heads.

Speaking of giants, I came into this world at a stripped weight of 9 pounds 11 ounces. Wearing heavy boots and overcoat I must certainly weigh more, but having left all of my extensive wardrobe behind I was forced to endure my weighing with nothing to cover my modesty.

A quick freshening up

A quick freshening up

To finish my transition into this bright and disorienting new world, my father gently bathed me in a hospital sink. I will not deny that this was a refreshing experience, as I was much soiled from my long journey from the other world. Thus envigorated I was now ready to proceed into my new life, yet only a few hours old.