Archive for the ‘ Adventures ’ Category

Home is a moveable feast

At long last it was time to depart the only home I had known in this world. After almost 48 hours in the Birthing Center I was dressed in fresh attire and strapped in to an odd contraption that I was told was necessary to my egress.
This is my sweet ride home.

This is my sweet ride home.

Friends, can I tell you of my joy at this new development? What ineffable bliss, what indescribable joy! I settled in to my new conveyance and promptly went to sleep. The magic chariot took me to a land of soothing vibrations and movements sublime where, I am told, I was wont to make many displays of contentment with my countenance.

I know not what may have occured during my dreamtime, but when I awoke I was in entirely new surroundings. Mother and Father informed me that I was now in a place called “home” and that it was here that I would spend the most formative years of my life.