Do you know the Boughtons? They are a most pleasant family who paid me a visit recently. I believe they must be farmers, as they gave me a small farm of my own to tend.
In this picture you can see me tending to my new farm, slopping the pigs, tending the chickens, etc.
Tending to the critters
The horse trough is excellent for chewing, although the horse did say that he would like to have it back in time for dinner.
The Boughtons are a delightful family. From what I was able to gather during their brief stay Orion is the mycologist (mushroom expert) and Devina is the baby dance instructor. I am not entirely certain of these facts, but all indications point to these conclusions. Orion took a long sojourn in our woods searching for the lost black mushroom told in myths and legend – which he found!
While he was out exploring, Devina gave me detailed instruction in dancing the ‘Jiggity Jig’, a very complex dance for babies. As per her instructions I practice my footwork every night as I lay in bed, a practice Mother has tried to discourage as she feels that it interferes with my rest. But orders are orders, and I am proud to tell that I have almost mastered the steps as taught to me by Devina.