Archive for December, 2009

I might outweigh my own father!

It is official. I shall ring in the new year at a strapping weight of 19lbs 10 ounces. At just over 4 months old I feel that this is a most satisfying accomplishment.

Big Boy

Big Boy

I feel I should thank all of those who have contributed to my wholesome gerth. I suppose that really means thanking my mom, since she is almost solely responsible for helping me put on the pounds. Thanks mom!

Christmas has been very good to me

It is the festive occasions that truly bring out the best in all of us, when we rejoice in the good fellowship of our brethren the world over.

Also, I get a whole lot of stuff!



The boxes, bows, and wrapping paper are so wonderful to crinkle and put in my mouth that it is hard to understand why so many people want to complicate matters by putting objects inside of the wonderful packages. I have no time for your teethers and rattles! This paper will not chew itself.

Chew that paper!

Chew that paper!

And that, my friends, is the real “reason for the season”.

Down on the Farm

Do you know the Boughtons? They are a most pleasant family who paid me a visit recently. I believe they must be farmers, as they gave me a small farm of my own to tend.

In this picture you can see me tending to my new farm, slopping the pigs, tending the chickens, etc.

Tending to the critters

Tending to the critters

The horse trough is excellent for chewing, although the horse did say that he would like to have it back in time for dinner.

The Boughtons are a delightful family. From what I was able to gather during their brief stay Orion is the mycologist (mushroom expert) and Devina is the baby dance instructor. I am not entirely certain of these facts, but all indications point to these conclusions. Orion took a long sojourn in our woods searching for the lost black mushroom told in myths and legend – which he found!

While he was out exploring, Devina gave me detailed instruction in dancing the ‘Jiggity Jig’, a very complex dance for babies. As per her instructions I practice my footwork every night as I lay in bed, a practice Mother has tried to discourage as she feels that it interferes with my rest. But orders are orders, and I am proud to tell that I have almost mastered the steps as taught to me by Devina.

A Boy and His Dog

There is a wondrous creature I must needs tell you of, for she is full of fun and playful romps, covered in a luxuriant coat of the fluffiest fur, and waits patiently for me to join her in frolic. But alas! I am still but an infant, as yet unable to toddle forth and throw a ball or a frisbee or a stick. This sorry impasse is cause for much consternation on both of our parts.

Mutual longing

Mutual longing

Maisy will bring me her favorite toy, in this case her Kong, and set it at my feet. I am fully aware of what is expected of me, but I simply cannot arrange my limbs in such a way as to comply with her wishes. We spend many hours each day looking at each other longingly, knowing in our hearts that someday we will gambol about with wild abandon – lamps, tables, and chairs be forewarned!

Someday your Prince will come

Someday your Prince will come

Eventually we tire of staring into one another’s eyes and Maisy comes to give me a sniff and a comforting snorfle, and then we must go our separate ways. Such are the travails of a baby’s life, not so dissimilar to those of a dog’s.

Merry Christmas to all my fans.

I wish to thank all of the people who have made this blog so much fun for me to create. At only three and a half months I, and this blog, are at an age where it is appropriate to look back and take stock of all that has been. Having done so, and after many deep moments of meditation, I have come to the conclusion that Christmas trees are shiny, and I would like to put them in my mouth.

A Finn in a Xmas Tree

A Finn in a Xmas Tree

This conclusion is inescapable, given all that I now know. Also, wrapping paper is crinkly, but stops being so after sufficient moistening with the mouth. These are the most important lessons to be learned from this season of shiny, crinkly, sparkling joy.  I have been told that gift giving is also important for the season, but I have been getting gifts all of my life, so I fail to see any difference in that. Excuse me, I have a tree to bite on, if only Mother or Father would hold me close enough!