Archive for May, 2010

The Doctor is in.

The patient presents with acute cuteness and precocious adorableness. The specimen appears to be a healthy young male, human as far as can be told, and very much in the prime of life.

By God, Man! Is he not huggable!?

The Doctor will see you now.

The Doctor will see you now.


9 months old.

2′ 5.5″ (86%)

23 lb 5 oz (87%)

17.99 ” Head Circumference (62%)

(10^100)^(10^100) On the Finnegan Scale of Awesome (One Googleplex, as high as the scale currently measures).

Zoot Alores!

Zoot Alores!

Dear Lord! I may have to dramatically tear these fake glasses from my head for emphasis!

Red Orb of Power

As part of my rigorous study of the nature of existence I have lately been engrossed in the fascinating field of topology, specifically the topology of spheres.

Preliminary approach

Preliminary approach

My methodology is both simple and exacting, as I apply force of varying levels and examine the response from the object under study.

Adjusting the force to laughter ratio

Adjusting the force to laughter ratio

I have discovered that the composition of a spherical object has a marked impact on the resilience of the surface to sudden applications of force using my chosen tools of inquiry: my slappy hands.

Final Conclusion: Awesome!

Final Conclusion: Awesome!

Pigmentation must not be overlooked as a factor in the spatio-visuo-spherico-continuum. Thus I have made my contribution to the sum of human knowledge. My discovery: Red Ball Makes Me Laugh!

The simple act of writing this scientific account of my experiments in this field has given me fresh ideas for future avenues of research. First, I must answer the question: What Does the Ball Taste Like? Humanity must have an answer!

My new job at the library

As I approach the ripe old age of 9 months I have come to the realization that I must soon find my way in the world. A choice of occupation was soon my preoccupation, and a quick trip to the library was in order.

As I perused the aisles of books trying to ascertain what line of work best suited my talents I realized that the answer lay not in the contents of the books on the shelves but in the books themselves. BOOKS!

I have found my calling!

I have found my calling!

But then I found a delicious lens cap and soon discovered the world of professional photography.

A career in photography beckons

A career in photography beckons

So many choices! I am afraid I must needs remain unemployed and at my leisure for a little while longer as I take stock of these weighty matters. I cannot dither too much longer as adulthood is surely just around the corner.