Archive for June, 2010

10 Months hath the Era of Finn

Now that I am 10 months old I would like to share some of my observations, collected over a lifetime.



Mostly, my advice is to enjoy the ride.

To Stride Amongst Giants

I walk.

I stand tall among the giants and stride forth into the land.

Heed the thunder of my footsteps tiny earthlings!

Prepare for the onslaught

Prepare for the onslaught

The thunder of first footfall

The thunder of first footfall

Pause to reflect on my journey

Pause to reflect on my journey

And so the pages of history are written, the beginning of the Age of Giants begins as I now have the power of walking. Behold my magnificence!

The Further Adventures of Finnegan Wilde

Wandering the meandering pathways through the dark jungles of the wild I stumbled upon a creature both curious and magnificent. It was shaped as a fur-covered log, but with four appendages protruding upwards as if grasping for the sky. The creature had no true face, as far as could be seen, but appeared to be a vast mound of white fluff framed by the four arms, if I may call them such, also adorned by additional luxuriant growths of hair. This broad expanse of fur seemed to call to me with each sudden flailing from one side to the other: “Sink your hands in my furry belly and give it a good pat”.

Fur covered beast

Fur covered beast

It was then that I saw the head and recognition swept over me. This mysterious beast, this flailing mound of fur, was none other than Miss Maisy Day, the One True Dog. She is often spoken about only in whispers, the stuff of myth and legend – and here she was before me!

It was then that I spied the giant squirrel.

As oft happens on my adventures one chance encounter with extraordinary circumstances follows fast on the heels of another. And here I found myself suddenly confronted with a squirrel of such enormous proportions I can only ascribe to it the sobriquet of “Ginormous”.

Fie! Squirrel!

Fie! Squirrel!

The giant squirrel and I did battle for many days and many nights. The jungle echoed with the sounds of our war cries and the clash of weapons. When the dust had settled a lone figure could be seen in the midst of a great smoldering crater – a small gentleman of generous proportions, regal yet elegant, with gentle mien faintly reminiscent of Baudelaire.

Finnegan Wilde triumphant!

Hair, beautiful hair!

She asks me why…I’m just a hairy guy
I’m hairy noon and night; Hair that’s a fright.
I’m hairy high and low,
Don’t ask me why; don’t know!

Wig, the musical

Wig, the musical

Let it fly in the breeze and get caught in the trees
Give a home to the fleas in my hair
A home for fleas, a hive for bees
A nest for birds, there ain’t no words
For the beauty, the splendor, the wonder of my

Long as God can grow it.

Long as God can grow it.


Now get this itchy wig off my head!

Wig time is over, people.