Red Orb of Power
As part of my rigorous study of the nature of existence I have lately been engrossed in the fascinating field of topology, specifically the topology of spheres.
My methodology is both simple and exacting, as I apply force of varying levels and examine the response from the object under study.
I have discovered that the composition of a spherical object has a marked impact on the resilience of the surface to sudden applications of force using my chosen tools of inquiry: my slappy hands.
Pigmentation must not be overlooked as a factor in the spatio-visuo-spherico-continuum. Thus I have made my contribution to the sum of human knowledge. My discovery: Red Ball Makes Me Laugh!
The simple act of writing this scientific account of my experiments in this field has given me fresh ideas for future avenues of research. First, I must answer the question: What Does the Ball Taste Like? Humanity must have an answer!