Posts Tagged ‘ birthday

Roll Over Beethoven!

These birthdays are wonderful inventions, I will have to look into having some more of them. As my final birthday present my parents gave me a red piano sized for one of smaller stature. We set it next to the big piano in the front room, so I am prepared to play duets with anyone who is willing. As soon as the new instrument was out of its wrapping I was hard at work composing my next masterpiece.

Piano Man

Piano Man

I am told that Little Richard did it first, but I can play with my feet – with feeling.

This thing is great!

This thing is great!

If music is the universal language then I will have to have a word or two with the universe. A one-ah and a two-ah.

Music of the spheres?

Music of the spheres?

If there are no people willing to play a duet with me I will have to play one with myself. I play a few notes on the big piano and dash over to play a quick retort on the little red piano. Oh, what was that? Over to the big piano: here is your answer!

It’s a Party!

As I approach my later years, or year in this case, I discover that much has been planned for me. One such plan was the unforeseen party I attended this week’s end past. It was a festival of delights, filled with excitement and whimsy.

There were presents, all of which were much to my liking. One present was put to use right away, for it is to be stored for a later date. This present was a Red Flyer wagon, a chariot for my future sallies into the maelstrom. Like any pharaoh of ancient Egypt I stood triumphant awaiting my retainers who will pull me about my dominion.

Chariot of the Gods

Chariot of the Gods

Come! Let us away before the break of day!

Also: Let them eat cake!

Henry VIII was just as messy

Henry VIII was just as messy

I have about one week until I will be officially one year old. How to put this in perspective will be the coming challenge. The world of numbers seems to hold many mysteries that I feel I should start to investigate. I have been told that the number one is only the beginning of numbers, and yet here I am so old and wise and long on the earth and I am told that my age in “years” is but “one”. Surely this is a mistake.

The Doctor is in.

The patient presents with acute cuteness and precocious adorableness. The specimen appears to be a healthy young male, human as far as can be told, and very much in the prime of life.

By God, Man! Is he not huggable!?

The Doctor will see you now.

The Doctor will see you now.


9 months old.

2′ 5.5″ (86%)

23 lb 5 oz (87%)

17.99 ” Head Circumference (62%)

(10^100)^(10^100) On the Finnegan Scale of Awesome (One Googleplex, as high as the scale currently measures).

Zoot Alores!

Zoot Alores!

Dear Lord! I may have to dramatically tear these fake glasses from my head for emphasis!

8 Months Young.

I have of late, I know not wherefore how, lost all my mirth.

Wait, strike that, I should say “lost all my youth”. Mother and Father have been watching too much Hamlet, and I do not mean the cat. I have lost all my youth. Where has it gone? I do not know.

I do know that I am old beyond years. Actually I don’t have any years, but these 8 months have been plenty long. I really am very old.

Mother assisting an aged gentleman

Mother assisting an aged gentleman

Fetch me my cane, for I must away.

So long have I lived that I fear that life has no more surprises to offer. I can crawl, I can eat mashed carrots, I can throw things on the floor and occasionally pick them back up. Is there more? Is that not enough? These are the questions that plague me when I take the time to ponder them. Which is to say never.

Father just reminded me that 8 months is actually very young indeed, and that I have the whole of my life ahead of me, including most of what I will enjoy the most. He poses me the question of whether talking or walking will be my favorite life’s work. He has failed to consider that it might be the combination of both.

Six Months Old and Ready to Drive

I had the pleasure of visiting my grandparents who live to the South. Nana Pam and Papa Henry were most accomodating, even putting up a large sign in my honor.

Sign of the times

Sign of the times

I opened my present and found that thing I covet most, a small box covered with buttons. It is called a “phone”, but it also looks like a television remote, which is the one thing I simply must have whenever I see it.

The best present of all, however, was the soft carpet of shiny green grass that tickled my toes as I strode across it in glee.

Barefoot in the grass

Barefoot in the grass

Now that I have grown to such a mature age I am wondering when I will be allowed to drive the car. I am getting so weary of always sitting in the back.