Posts Tagged ‘ outdoors

The only way to travel

For those of you who have yet to try it, I highly recommend travel by Mother. The service en route is excellent, and the level of care taken in attending to the traveller’s every need is quite remarkable. If you can afford it, I would suggest that you make use of this means of travel at your earliest convenience.



With my Mother providing the means of locomotion I recently embarked on an extensive journey into the wilds of rural Oregon. Let no man tell you that the days of intrepid exploration are over, for I have returned from places where none have dared venture before to tell you that true wilderness yet exists!

I saw creatures of such fantastic description that you would scarce believe me, and vistas of such color and beauty that I am still amazed as I dictate these words to my father (who acts as my trusted emanuensis). Sir Richard Burton never had such journeys as the one that I recently returned from, a journey that must rival even the first landing on the moon!

But please, you must excuse me, I am exhausted from my travels and must tend to my comfort. A drop of nourishment and a nap should do me a world of good. And then I shall scale Mount Everest. . .