Posts Tagged ‘ presents

Decorating Me.

I beg of you madame, do not decorate that silly tree, at least not until you have decorated me.

I am the new Christmas tree.

I am the new Christmas tree.

My second Christmas was most enjoyable as well as highly rewarding. In addition to the many lights and other decorations filling our house there was a tree with many brightly wrapped presents underneath. At first I was unaware of the prohibitions to opening the packages before the actual day of Christmas, but Father set me straight on this point, although not after some wrapping paper had been torn.

The most important part of Christmas is the lighting. Every morning I have to point to the tree and the lights over the archway to remind my forgetful parents that there is much work yet to be done. The lights are not lit! Hop to it! And so, with my guidance, the lights are plugged in and shine forth with the glow of a million million suns filling the air with magic and happiness. At least that is how I perceive it, and it frequently causes me to clap my hands and dance a caper or two.

The next important thing about Christmas is the meeting with family. I made my first entry into polite society by going to restaurant and behaving with such dignity and bravery that all were amazed. My aunt Louella and uncle Johnny were there, as were my aunt Maggie and my grandmother Pat. It was quite the to-do. Because of the great success of this venture I was taken to yet another restaurant a few days later, and there I had my first taste of crab meat. It is divine.

The final thing about Christmas is the presents. Of these I should mention my Roby, an inflatable Italian steed that I ride great distances to far off lands in search of adventure. I also now have a small workshop with a drill press and vise that I use to help the elves repair shoes when the cobbler needs secret night-time assistance. I finally have a place to vent my creative urges with a new Aquadoodle set, where I write with pens filled with water. For some reason my parents think that water is better than crayon for writing on floors, walls and furniture. I must disagree, for the crayon marks last so much longer.

I am not entirely done with Christmas, for we are scheduled to visit with my nana Pam and papa Henry on New Year’s Day, where I am told there may indeed be more presents.

To everyone on this planet and any other planets out there, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!