Posts Tagged ‘ solid food

Carrots! I demand more carrots!

Thus I do entreat you, please you to entertain, an idea I press upon you, carrots mashed or strained.

Carrots I implore you, put them in my mouth, if a spoon should come in with them, I’ll eat it – have no doubt!

The spoon got too close to Carrot Face

The spoon got too close to Carrot Face

This poem I haver writ, to tell you of my love, of sloppy messy carrots, in my mouth I beg you shove.

On my face I will display them, a badge of honor dear, and stew them in my belly, orange soup – nutritious cheer.

Carrots? Where have you gone?

Carrots? Where have you gone?

Poems I have written, odes to carrots true, but can scarce suffice, to give my carrot’s due.

Penned this day of our Lord, All Carrot’s Hallo’d Eve, 2010.

Finnegan Wilde Kincaid

Solid Food and the Teeth to Sink into it.

I must report that I have finally pushed out several teeth, both upper and lower. This has been a project fraught with many difficulties, to wit: sleepless nights, fits of weeping, red cheeks, a desire to bite things, and a most embarrassing propensity to drool. But the result is most pleasing, as it now allows me to sink my new found pearly whites into another recent discovery: Solid Food!

Solid Food

Solid Food

I have been dining on fresh pheasant in pomegranate sauce, truffles al dente, pan-seared Alaskan eel cakes, and many exotic dishes from the Orient. At least that is what Mother and Father say it is, but the flavor and texture is not much different from the good old-fashions milk I have heretofore been consuming. There is a pleasing thickness to this new concoction, and it makes a wonderful pattern of sticky white slop running down my chin and onto my bib. One excellent way to enjoy this new supper, I have discovered, is to wait for the spoon to just begin to enter one’s mouth and then blow out as hard as you can. This results in a most delightful explosion of sloppy white goop that covers most surfaces within a few feet or so. I highly recommend it.