Posts Tagged ‘ talking

Fellow Babies of the World: Unite!

I have had the most remarkable experience this Friday past, my first face-to-face meeting with a person nearer to my own stature than the giant headed people I have seen heretofore.  Mother’s friend Katy came to visit and brought along her adorable daughter Beatrix, who is most definitely closer to the ground, and therefore closer to my heart!

Beatrix imparts forbidden knowledge

Beatrix imparts forbidden knowledge

Although I am told the proper term for Beatrix is “Toddler” and not “Baby”, I cannot help but see much of myself in her spritely mien and playful demeanor. She entertained us all with her various tricks, such as walking and talking and picking things up and setting things down. These were all most fascinating to me, as my new best friend Bee (she lets me call her that, and I let her call me “Finn”, or just “Baby!”) has assured me that, with much practice, I shall be able to perform similar feats in the very near future. Oh joy of joys, can this be?

Since her visit I have been working on my exercises most assiduously, with many leg stomps, hand grasps, and loud vocalizations of vowels and consonants. These are the secret rituals that Beatrix passed on to me, as all Toddlers have done to Babies from time immemorial. She made me promise that when I have gained the powers of Toddlerhood I shall choose a disciple of my own to inculcate with these ancient rites that the chain may be unbroken yet.