Posts Tagged ‘ wagon

It’s a Party!

As I approach my later years, or year in this case, I discover that much has been planned for me. One such plan was the unforeseen party I attended this week’s end past. It was a festival of delights, filled with excitement and whimsy.

There were presents, all of which were much to my liking. One present was put to use right away, for it is to be stored for a later date. This present was a Red Flyer wagon, a chariot for my future sallies into the maelstrom. Like any pharaoh of ancient Egypt I stood triumphant awaiting my retainers who will pull me about my dominion.

Chariot of the Gods

Chariot of the Gods

Come! Let us away before the break of day!

Also: Let them eat cake!

Henry VIII was just as messy

Henry VIII was just as messy

I have about one week until I will be officially one year old. How to put this in perspective will be the coming challenge. The world of numbers seems to hold many mysteries that I feel I should start to investigate. I have been told that the number one is only the beginning of numbers, and yet here I am so old and wise and long on the earth and I am told that my age in “years” is but “one”. Surely this is a mistake.