Crew Boss
It has of late become my duty to supervise the yard work of our grounds crew. It is difficult work, but I must be diligent and observe my workers constantly as they go about the task of trimming the bushes and piling debris. I sit in my chair and signal my approval or disapproval of all that is done as my minions scramble about attending to my wishes. I scarcely have any time for myself as the crew requires so much supervision!
My workers, most notably Mother and Father, cannot be left to their own devices, or surely they would dawdle and lallygag. It takes a firm hand, but it is not on my watch that such shiftless rabble shall have free reign! I tell them it is for their own edification and improvement and that I am teaching them the value of a hard days work, but really I simply enjoy sitting in the fresh air and tending to my chewing.
It is lucky for me that I am a natural leader, else I would perhaps be put to labor as the others have done. But alas, each of us has our role to play in this cosmic dance that is called “yardwork”. Uneasily lies the head that wears a crown.