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Welcome to our little Data CD
This CD contains mountains of MP3 files
The complete collection of everything Slaphog/Satanburger has created
Up through early 2006
contains the 4-track songs that Blake Kincaid created in the late 80s.
The Satanburger cassette tape was sold around the world.
It was advertised in Maximum RockandRoll and in Factsheet Five.
Hundreds of tapes made
there way to exotic locations around planet earth.
The tape had an intricate folding insert that could be folded into a box.
Several record stores hung them as mobiles.
Slaphog: a rock slopera
Was the result of Blake finding other musicians to help realize the dream.
A Rock Opera about a messiah of rock fighting a revolution against an evil brain in a vat,
the band Slaphog is named after the mythical beast that the Evil Geezer rides into the 5th dimension.
Galaxy Patrol
is what happened when Slaphog added a keyboard player, briefly.
This album tells the tale of an explorer sent to find the ends of space
who is finally driven mad
and exeriences total personality dis-integration
and a complete warping of the time/space continuum.
Other Side
is a collection of instrumental jams that we were working on
during our brief time with a keyboard player ("Crispy" Chris Phillips)
many of the jams are incomplete,
but contain the ideas that we have been working on ever since.
Ice Rock
is our big CD that we released with our new singer
the powerful George Renan
who can challenge the Gods themselves
and still cary a tune.
The album is about an evil character banished to an icy moon
for stealing human organs to stay alive longer than he should
and on the icy moon he meets his lady love
the earth self-destructs
the other prisoners on the moon walk into the voide
and the aliens come to the rescue. . .
too late? You'll have to listen!
Snack Champion
A pile of songs from three unfinished albums
many of which are the mainstay of our live performances
several of these tracks are destined for our next major release:
The Coming of the Robot Jesus
so be forewarned!
MP3s from SatanburgerMP3s from Slaphog: a rock sloperaMP3s from Other Side |
MP3s from Galaxy PatrolMP3s from Ice RockMP3s from Snack Champion |
Go to Alarming Press if you want to buy anything, or email snardhog-at-yahoo-dot-com to contact us. |
upcoming albums upcoming live shows and all of everything else Slaphog visit WWW.SLAPHOG.COM where you will find much of the same stuff that is on this CDrom fewer mp3 files (cause they are BIG) and constantly updating information |