it's a hard
                        well it's a hard
                         it's a hard on
                  and on and on and on and on
                it's hard on the nervous system
               guaranteed to rot your brain stem
                it's hard on the nervous system
                 you'll never learn to say when
          the time has past - these things don't last
            your inside's out - your paths in doubt
          through the vale of tears - you spend tortured years
              of smears and leers and unseen gears
                        springs winding
                          chain sawing
          you're just the latest model in a long line of industry approved
                  self-repressing worker units
                    and I think you like it
                         but it's hard
                        yes it's a hard
                         nother hard on
                  goes on and on and on and on
                it's hard on the nervous system
               guaranteed to rot your brain stem
                you were never meant to say when
              you're sick of kissing ass for Them
          attack them in their bunkers, they're waiting for you there
            scurrying around like rats in the ground
                 they breathe and steal the air
                        they don't care
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