ZXBOMBER To LOAD the program type: LOAD "bomber" IMPORTANT!!! When finished loading do not type RUN, just press enter and you will be instructed on how to start the program. (answer: GOTO 1) CONTROLS Q ---- descend P ---- ascend E ---- turn around O ---- drop bomb I ---- bail out BOMBING The lower you are the more damage you do. However, below a certain altitude the city will fire flak at you. BAILING OUT Don't bail out unless you are hit by flak or run out of fuel. If you are too low your chute won't open, and you will die. SECTIONS OF PROGRAM (for hacking) 140 City to bomb 300 bomb run 550 bomb routine 650 flak 800 direct hit 850 partial hit 4000 bail out 5100 back at the base 9300 dishonorable discharge 9500 killed, letter home VARIABLES C$(7,51) names of the 51 cities R$(11,17) the 12 ranks R your rank M medals MZ number of missions M3 cities conquered J9 bailed out flag D plane falling flag ZX total bombs dropped XZ total hits A altitude of plane P position of plane B9 bomb dropped flag F fuel