Roll Over Beethoven!

These birthdays are wonderful inventions, I will have to look into having some more of them. As my final birthday present my parents gave me a red piano sized for one of smaller stature. We set it next to the big piano in the front room, so I am prepared to play duets with anyone who is willing. As soon as the new instrument was out of its wrapping I was hard at work composing my next masterpiece.

Piano Man

Piano Man

I am told that Little Richard did it first, but I can play with my feet – with feeling.

This thing is great!

This thing is great!

If music is the universal language then I will have to have a word or two with the universe. A one-ah and a two-ah.

Music of the spheres?

Music of the spheres?

If there are no people willing to play a duet with me I will have to play one with myself. I play a few notes on the big piano and dash over to play a quick retort on the little red piano. Oh, what was that? Over to the big piano: here is your answer!

Across the Generations

The parents of one’s parents are called “Grandparents”.  This interesting fact has been on my mind as of late, being that I have been having much concourse with Nana Pam, Papa Henry, and Grandma Pat. As it so happens, they are all my “Grandparents”. Who knew?

Papa Henry is the one with the mustache.

Papa Henry and I

Papa Henry and I

Nana Pam is the one who always tells me what the animals say. Did you know that the cow goes “Moo!”?

Nana Pam and I

Nana Pam and I

Grandma Pat is the one who plays the piano with me. Our recent compositions are quite challenging.

Grandma Pat and I

Grandma Pat and I

I did recently meet my Grandfather John, so I am told that this completes the “Grandparents”.

It is strange to think that such big people as my mother and father need mommies and daddies. Do these grandparents keep my parents from chewing on electrical cords too? I was hoping that such supervision would end some day.

It’s a Party!

As I approach my later years, or year in this case, I discover that much has been planned for me. One such plan was the unforeseen party I attended this week’s end past. It was a festival of delights, filled with excitement and whimsy.

There were presents, all of which were much to my liking. One present was put to use right away, for it is to be stored for a later date. This present was a Red Flyer wagon, a chariot for my future sallies into the maelstrom. Like any pharaoh of ancient Egypt I stood triumphant awaiting my retainers who will pull me about my dominion.

Chariot of the Gods

Chariot of the Gods

Come! Let us away before the break of day!

Also: Let them eat cake!

Henry VIII was just as messy

Henry VIII was just as messy

I have about one week until I will be officially one year old. How to put this in perspective will be the coming challenge. The world of numbers seems to hold many mysteries that I feel I should start to investigate. I have been told that the number one is only the beginning of numbers, and yet here I am so old and wise and long on the earth and I am told that my age in “years” is but “one”. Surely this is a mistake.

Hey now, Hay now!

There are those times when happiness must not be restrained. To sit on top of a bale of hay is most decidedly one of those times.

Is there anything better?

Is there anything better?

A bale of hay is like a tidy package of promises. For our goats it is the promise of nutritious fodder for winter. For the local tractor owner it is the promise of cash money for baling our hay. For me it is the promise of good times and boundless adventure, for where is the man who will say to me: “Thus far and no farther!”.

Sitting atop my vertiginous aerie I see no such man, only the boundless sky where eagles soar. And I laugh!

Dancer at the End of Time

I dance the dance of infinite space.

I dance the timeless dance of eternal being.

I dance the world into existence.

And then dance the world away.

Destroyer of worlds

Destroyer of worlds

Music is my muse, and rhythm is my rhyme.

And the bliss of joyful action is all.

In the words of my secret pre-birth namesake (David Bowie): Lets Dance!

My Friend Bee

What a joy it is to have friends! I have friend, her name is Beatrix, and she is a lady of great wisdom and much renown. I have known her all my life, but seldom do I have the pleasure of her company for great expanses of the Earth stretch between our dwellings. This weekend past the magic box on wheels took me to the edge of the universe where the land ends in a huge bathtub of salty water. And lo, there I beheld my friend Bee!

Bee on the beach

Bee on the beach

Our reunion was ecstatic as we rushed to embrace. We played in the sand and danced in the sea until exhaustion drove us to seek shelter. Once inside my friend shared her toys with me, and I shared mine with her. The exchange was one of mutual satisfaction.

I give you planet Earth

I give you planet Earth

But alas, all things must pass, and so our all too brief sojourn in the lands of amicable solidarity was soon ended.

I will find you again, Beatrix, on this you can depend!

Like the grains of sand on the beach of my mind . . .

Such are the dreams of the contemplative soul . . .

Staring to infinity

Staring to infinity

I stand at the junction betwixt water, earth, and sky. Here I stand and stake my claim on this new land. I count the grains of sand one at a time and come to know the meaning of infinity.

The quintillions quintillion

The quintillion's quintillion

My senses are washed in the spray of the sea and the breath of the sky. I taste the grit of the sands, and all is in balance.

The taste of adventure

The taste of adventure

The immensity of the world echoes around me as I stretch my mind to meet the limits of imagination.

Deep thoughts for a baby.

Finn, beach, July 2010.

10 Months hath the Era of Finn

Now that I am 10 months old I would like to share some of my observations, collected over a lifetime.



Mostly, my advice is to enjoy the ride.

To Stride Amongst Giants

I walk.

I stand tall among the giants and stride forth into the land.

Heed the thunder of my footsteps tiny earthlings!

Prepare for the onslaught

Prepare for the onslaught

The thunder of first footfall

The thunder of first footfall

Pause to reflect on my journey

Pause to reflect on my journey

And so the pages of history are written, the beginning of the Age of Giants begins as I now have the power of walking. Behold my magnificence!

The Further Adventures of Finnegan Wilde

Wandering the meandering pathways through the dark jungles of the wild I stumbled upon a creature both curious and magnificent. It was shaped as a fur-covered log, but with four appendages protruding upwards as if grasping for the sky. The creature had no true face, as far as could be seen, but appeared to be a vast mound of white fluff framed by the four arms, if I may call them such, also adorned by additional luxuriant growths of hair. This broad expanse of fur seemed to call to me with each sudden flailing from one side to the other: “Sink your hands in my furry belly and give it a good pat”.

Fur covered beast

Fur covered beast

It was then that I saw the head and recognition swept over me. This mysterious beast, this flailing mound of fur, was none other than Miss Maisy Day, the One True Dog. She is often spoken about only in whispers, the stuff of myth and legend – and here she was before me!

It was then that I spied the giant squirrel.

As oft happens on my adventures one chance encounter with extraordinary circumstances follows fast on the heels of another. And here I found myself suddenly confronted with a squirrel of such enormous proportions I can only ascribe to it the sobriquet of “Ginormous”.

Fie! Squirrel!

Fie! Squirrel!

The giant squirrel and I did battle for many days and many nights. The jungle echoed with the sounds of our war cries and the clash of weapons. When the dust had settled a lone figure could be seen in the midst of a great smoldering crater – a small gentleman of generous proportions, regal yet elegant, with gentle mien faintly reminiscent of Baudelaire.

Finnegan Wilde triumphant!