Reading is an excellent past time
I have been spending much of my free time, such as it is, perusing an excellent library of arctic fiction provided for my education and amusement by my parents. As you may observe in the photograph above, I enjoy the hands-on approach to my reading, grabbing the polar bear by the nose, so to speak, and tugging the story right off of the pages.
In my reading I have found stories that make one cry, and stories that make one laugh. I much prefer the latter.
Here you can see me telling a rousing tale to my pet hedgehog, Spiny Norman, and then laughing heartily at his witty rejoinder. Such times we have. And then I find my toes, and all is lost for the next 15 minutes. And what toes are these?
It is so nice to be able to sit on ones own and enjoy a good book, toe, or hedgehog, is it not?