Mother and Father took me to a far away land where Nana Pam and Papa Henry live. I have come to understand that Mother has her own Mother and Father, and that Father has two of his own as well. Which means that I have a whole mess of grandparents! Needless to say, this is cause for much rejoicing, which must be why our visit was crowned with a feast of great quantities of food.
Sadly none of the food was fit for a newborn to eat. I guess I’ll have to get working on a nice solid set of choppers.
Mother and Father dusted off the Victrola and played for me the musical compositions of a Mr. David Bowie. This provided me with a delightful accompaniment for an impromptu jig, which I executed at once in the hallway of our abode.
If memory serves me correctly, the lyrics of the composition this jig was performed to comprise of the following stanzas:
Will you stay in our Lovers’ Story
If you stay you won’t be sorry
‘Cause we believe in you
Soon you’ll grow so take a chance
With a couple of Kooks
Hung up on romancingWe bought a lot of things
to keep you warm and dry
And a funny old crib on which the paint won’t dry
I bought you a pair of shoes
A trumpet you can blow
And a book of rules
On what to say to people
when they pick on you
‘Cause if you stay with us you’re gonna be pretty Kookie too[CHORUS]
And if you ever have to go to school
Remember how they messed up
this old fool
Don’t pick fights with the bullies
or the cads
‘Cause I’m not much cop at punching other people’s Dads
And if the homework brings you down
Then we’ll throw it on the fire
And take the car downtown
“Kooks” by David Bowie
As an up-and-coming high fashion model I have it on the highest authority that my first duty is to procure a portfolio of my work such that my agent can circulate my countenance amongst the purveyors of lucrative advertising campaigns. The first order of business in assembling my portfolio is to capture what is known as a “head shot”. Every model’s portfolio is built around this seminal piece. I give you:
Of course this will most certainly ensure my rise to the very top of the high fashion world, but in the unlikely event that it does not I am sure that it will be very useful in my budding career as a novelist. I think the back of the jacket cover is ready to go, don’t you?
Submitted for your approval: a creature with the upper body of a human baby and the lower body of a black and white common house cat. Is this the creation from the laboratories of some scientific genius gone mad? Or perhaps the offspring of some unnatural mixing of the human and animal kingdoms?
Alas, it is clear from this documentary evidence that aliens have visited our planet not once, but at least twice, once for each half of this unholy alliance of human and feline. It is obvious to those who ‘know’ that such a creature is most perfectly suited for the accomplishment of their aims of subjugating our world. The sneakiness of cat combined with the irresistible cuteness of baby – all shall fall before me . . . er, uh, I mean ‘it’. Did I say ‘me’? What was I thinking?
Mother says: One day I went for a walk in the woods and found a wee elf baby sleeping under a toadstool. I picked him up and took him for a ride. He loved staring into the trees.
She then said: Then the wee elf baby, utterly spent from our grand adventure, fell asleep in my arms. So I took him home and kept him!
I do so love Mother’s stories.
I have made the most remarkable discovery this weekend past: I have seen the ocean, and it is truly stupendous in its breadth and width, such that I can scarce believe it possible that anything could extend so far in all directions.
Father held me down where I could observe the waves coming in, an event I beheld over and over with rapt attention.
Following this, Mother took me in her arms and ran freely out to sea! We were quickly engulfed in the pounding surf, an experience I will never forget.
My concept of “large” must now be amended. Now that I have seen the ocean I can understand that there may be a few other things out there that I have yet to discover. If I had not seen the ocean I would not have believed any who told me of it. I recommend to anyone such an experience. Not to be missed.
If there is one thing I love more than a pumpkin inspired hand-crafted hat, it is a giant pumpkin for me and my hat to pose with.
I have been working on this pose for some time. It is part smile, part knowing smirk, with a dash of rascal, and a jigger of slyness that says: “Hey ladies, you know you want to kiss these cheeks!” Look, as I’ve always said, if you’ve got it you might as well flaunt it. Am I right?
Come now, people, can we not all agree that now is the time for Halloween spirit? I have my pumpkins, my hats, and my spider and ghost jumpsuits. I am doing my part.
Being born in August, this October is my very first October, which also makes it my first opportunity to make the yearly pilgrimage to the Pumpkin Patch on Sauvie Island. From what I gather, this is a required yearly ritual that I am to perform as part of my membership in our nuclear unit.
The place was filled with the milling denizens of Earth, more people in one location than I had imagined existed. There were so many, in fact, that I can only assume that the ones in the distance were in danger of being crowded over the edge of the horizon, and hence off the edge of the Earth. What happens then I have yet to find out.
We wandered about and took pictures and video to document our accomplishments. Mother and Father ate something called an “Elephant Ear”, which led me to be on the lookout for any angry earless elephants that might still be lurking near. We took the grand promenade which included the petting zoo of farm animals. I was amazed that the other people were amazed at seeing the animals, as I have seen many a chicken and goat right near my house, so I assumed that they were plentiful and even distributed across the planet.
Finally we visited the store where Mother had to battle the throng in order to purchase a special honey that is only found in that place. The shouting and jostling of the ensuing melee gave me the permission I needed and I lent my voice to the cacophony. The only real problem was that my screaming lasted long after we had left the store area, and did not abate until I was safely ensconced in my carseat back. And so ended our delightful visit to the Pumpkin Patch.
I have had the most remarkable experience this Friday past, my first face-to-face meeting with a person nearer to my own stature than the giant headed people I have seen heretofore. Mother’s friend Katy came to visit and brought along her adorable daughter Beatrix, who is most definitely closer to the ground, and therefore closer to my heart!
Although I am told the proper term for Beatrix is “Toddler” and not “Baby”, I cannot help but see much of myself in her spritely mien and playful demeanor. She entertained us all with her various tricks, such as walking and talking and picking things up and setting things down. These were all most fascinating to me, as my new best friend Bee (she lets me call her that, and I let her call me “Finn”, or just “Baby!”) has assured me that, with much practice, I shall be able to perform similar feats in the very near future. Oh joy of joys, can this be?
Since her visit I have been working on my exercises most assiduously, with many leg stomps, hand grasps, and loud vocalizations of vowels and consonants. These are the secret rituals that Beatrix passed on to me, as all Toddlers have done to Babies from time immemorial. She made me promise that when I have gained the powers of Toddlerhood I shall choose a disciple of my own to inculcate with these ancient rites that the chain may be unbroken yet.