Must Love Dogs

I have a confession to make: I am in love!

She that makes my heart go “pit a pat” is none other than the fluffy ragamuffin of my dreams: Maisy.

I sometimes gaze longingly at her, wishing I could run my fingers through her plentiful locks of shiny fur. So fluffy, so bouncy, so luxuriant!

Gaze into my eyes, my beloved

Gaze into my eyes, my beloved

Sometimes I think that she feels the same as I. Dare I hope it? When I sit alone she will often come to comfort me, waving a paw of invitation, inviting me to play. It is these times that my heart leaps with joy, as I know that she and I share that which is true: love.

To touch the dream

To touch the dream

But now it is time to put away childish things, and to rest for a while. Perchance to dream . . . of that bouncing ball of fluff that is my true love, my Maisy.

When Chickens Attack

It was on a dark and windy night, as I sat alone in the cold wilderness, I heard a sound that sent chills up my spine. I knew that sound, it was the sound of my nightmares. It was the sound of a chicken on the prowl. I frantically looked in every direction for some avenue for escape, but to no avail. Once a chicken has scented human it never ceases the chase until . . .

Surrounded! Chickens on every side! This surely is the end . . .

The Humanity!

The Humanity!

Actually it was a sunny day, and I was watching father doing some chores, when the chickens made a break out from the orchard to dig in the freshly stirred dirt. And instead of chasing me down and devouring me, they merely gathered about me and gave me a great show of scratching and pecking.

I just thought I would add a taste of drama to my blog, but I can see now that this was wrong. I have insulted my chicken friends. And believe me, you do not want to make them angry. . .

Feats of Strength

I have the power of many men, no obstacle shall stop me, I am strong like ox.

Must Destroy!

Must Destroy!

You think that I will lie on top of this play mat and calmly bat at the hanging animals and coo in meek subservience to your evil scheme? Fie upon your play mat! I will lift it above my head, and slam it against the ground, again and again I will do this laughing maniacally at the carnage and destruction.

I pity you, mere earthlings, for I am Shiva: Destroyer of Worlds!

Top ‘O the Mornin’ to ya!

Met a Leprochaun on my way through the woods and he gave me a magic bean that grew the biggest potato in the world. I will never want for potato. And I will never get pinched on St. Patrick’s Day, thanks to Grandma Pat and Grand Auntie Mary.

How Green was my Baby

How Green was my Baby

Standing, sitting, moving from standing to sitting, and now CRAWLING! These are the elements of my new repetoire. Once I perfect my modern dance routine I will post a short performance to this blog.

Whos the Leprochaun now?

Who's the Leprochaun now?

I did consider moving to Ireland, but then I thought better of it. They can just move Ireland here.

Fingers and Toes

I have made the most astonishing discovery: hands and feet have fingers and toes attached! As anyone who has ever made my acquaintance surely must know, I am an avid practitioner of the solid foot stomp and the slam fist. These are good wholesome activities that energize the hale and hearty soul. But as of late I have re-examined my hands and feet and found that they are comprised of smaller, more delicate appendages that can be used for more intricate forays into the realms of mischief.

Fingers, say hello to Toes

Fingers, say hello to Toes

Using these wonderful new weapons I find that grabbing, crumpling, tearing, and throwing have all become much more effective. When kicking with a foot it is also possible to grab on to the target and pull it closer for additional damage. And when the mayhem ceases, fingers and toes can spend some time together reminiscing about the swath of destruction left in their wake.

Crew Boss

It has of late become my duty to supervise the yard work of our grounds crew. It is difficult work, but I must be diligent and observe my workers constantly as they go about the task of trimming the bushes and piling debris. I sit in my chair and signal my approval or disapproval of all that is done as my minions scramble about attending to my wishes. I scarcely have any time for myself as the crew requires so much supervision!

Boss Finn

Boss Finn

My workers, most notably Mother and Father, cannot be left to their own devices, or surely they would dawdle and lallygag.  It takes a firm hand, but it is not on my watch that such shiftless rabble shall have free reign! I tell them it is for their own edification and improvement and that I am teaching them the value of a hard days work, but really I simply enjoy sitting in the fresh air and tending to my chewing.

It is lucky for me that I am a natural leader, else I would perhaps be put to labor as the others have done. But alas, each of us has our role to play in this cosmic dance that is called “yardwork”.  Uneasily lies the head that wears a crown.

Giant Baby Update

Stats for 6 month doctor visit:

Height: 27.5″ (2′ 3.5″) 84%

Weight: 21 lbs 4 oz 95%

Head: 17.52″ 70%

I am no longer above the 99%, except in the realm of cuteness.

Baby in a blanket

Baby in a blanket

Six Months Old and Ready to Drive

I had the pleasure of visiting my grandparents who live to the South. Nana Pam and Papa Henry were most accomodating, even putting up a large sign in my honor.

Sign of the times

Sign of the times

I opened my present and found that thing I covet most, a small box covered with buttons. It is called a “phone”, but it also looks like a television remote, which is the one thing I simply must have whenever I see it.

The best present of all, however, was the soft carpet of shiny green grass that tickled my toes as I strode across it in glee.

Barefoot in the grass

Barefoot in the grass

Now that I have grown to such a mature age I am wondering when I will be allowed to drive the car. I am getting so weary of always sitting in the back.

Self Propulsion

It is my firm commitment that I shall move my body forward under my own propulsive power and no longer rely on the kindness of others to carry me from one location to the next. In this endeavor I have embarked upon the journey that is called “crawling” and is on many lists that purport to describe what six month old babies are to be about. I have mastered the first phase of this “crawling” by lifting my hindmost quarters into the air, balancing my bulk on the four pillars of arms and legs outstretched. This much I can do.

Loaded and ready for bear

Loaded and ready for bear

It is at this stage of the process where things go amiss. I have a great deal of forward propulsion provided by my muscular thighs, which I count among my many valuable assets, and this propulsive force sends my body forward in all good haste. Unfortunately I cannot seem to time this rear-based forward motion with the actions of my forward appendages. It seems most strange to me that I am expected to lift either of my hands at this stage, as surely I will fall if I do so, but just as surely I will fall if I do not! This puzzle confounds me every time.

And hes down

And he's down

I will not give up on this seemingly hopeless project as I have so many plans for what shall be done once I am free of the shackles of my keepers. There are so many shiny, sharp, pointy, and delicate objects for me to grab, pull, squeeze, and put into my mouth! They beckon to me from every direction.

Even higher on my list of things to do once I am mobile will be to finally give the animals the attention they deserve. The dog and the cats are so fluffy and warm I feel that they are the most in need of some good squeezing, grabbing, pulling, and gnawing. I cannot wait to bring them the good news of my freedom, as I am sure they are as frustrated as I that I cannot now give them the hugs that they are needing.

The Curse of Cuteness

It is my own special burden that I am cursed with potent animal magnetism. Everywhere I go the ladies surround me and want to hug and kiss me. Try as I might it seems impossible for me to contain my raw primal energy that all about me find irresistable.

Who, me?

Who, me?

I do not know what is to be done. I shall have to persevere and soldier on as best I can. Cuteness in excess is a terrible curse!